The first assistance dog.

Щенки ретривера - фото к статье о первой помощи

Of course, any dog ​​" sore " - It is a huge cause for concern. Of course, we very much hope that you will be able to avoid problems with the health of your pet. But!

around us waiting diferent problems and potential hazards. What to do if your retriever poisoned by "muck", or bitten by a tick ... In fact, immediately to the vet. And call me .... - breeder


Particular attention to the dog's behavior - if something has changed - your friend sluggish or have a concern - that is, you think that there is something unusual - it is better to be overly vigilant !!

Poisoning and help with them

The most dangerous and common situations. Most exposed to poison underfed, malnourished dogs, in which the body lacks vitamins and minerals.

to poison the dog can swallow poisonous food and licking the toxic substance from his fur, or – inhaling toxic fumes. Cases of poisoning, when dogs swallow « human » medicines, or when the owner treats the dog such drugs (not uncommon, for example, cases of severe poisoning dogs paracetamol, which knocked the host animal to the temperature). When leaving the cottage there are situations when the puppies are poisoned, after eating acorns etc.

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs

Symptoms of poisoning vary widely, depending on what substance poisoned animal. As a rule, signs of poisoning appear suddenly and grow fast. The animal note weakness, tremors, excessive salivation, vomiting, muscle jerking, rapid shallow breathing, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, excessive irritability, or, conversely, depression.

In the poisoning or suspected poisoning immediately call a doctor at home or Take the dog to the clinic! If something does not work - call the kennel


First Aid

Before you go to the hospital or while you wait for a doctor visit is necessary to provide emergency assistance to the dog.

First aid is, above all, to as soon as possible to stop the flow of venom into the body, to delay its absorption into the bloodstream to neutralize and facilitate its rapid removal from the body by vomiting. Before that, you must ful dog a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Induce vomiting in dogs is difficult, it may be advisable two ways:

1. Mechanical – finger deep into the oral cavity deep in the root of the tongue.

2. Either there is 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

The infusion simultaneously a large quantity of salt or soda aqueous solution (as is often advised) is not likely to lead to the emetic effect.

So, even if it was not possible to induce vomiting after the action indicated previously, give the dog a substance contributing to adsorb toxic substances: enterosgel or polisorb


Warning! After this procedure, do not induce vomiting.

If a dog has swallowed an object (the corpse of a bird, an animal, a package) can be given a liquid paraffin which has enveloping properties, it is not absorbed into the intestinal wall and facilitates the removal of the foreign body out.

After the above steps, you can make a cleansing enema. It is made of salted water (1 teaspoon per cup of water) at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. The volume depends on the size of the animal (from 100 ml to 1.5 liters). Small and medium-sized dogs, water is introduced with the help of syringes, for large dogs use douches mug.

In severe weakness, reducing the overall temperature of the dog should hide blanket to minimize heat loss.

If severe diarrhea, vomiting, rehydration of the body is necessary to unsolder animal rehydron 1-3 glasses of solution every hour for 2-3 hours. Give baksin – 10 mg per kg body weight.

If a toxic substance enters the surface of the dog's body, caused damage to the coat and affects the body by absorption through the skin, it is the easiest and surest way to first aid – flushing the poison usual cool water, preferably with soap and water.

If the skin were toxic substances that are readily soluble in fats, such as trichlorfon, and easily absorbed through intact skin, they should wash with cold water only, as warm water dramatically increases the absorption of the poison through the skin.

And do not forget! After first aid is an urgent need to take the animal to a veterinary clinic or doctor to call home.

Processing of wounds and bandaging

The wounds are formed by cuts glass or sharp metal objects. Finding the wound, the first thing you need to stop the bleeding, and then protect the affected area from the introduction of microorganisms by treating the wound and bandaging. Pillows are not sewn up.

  • Clear the wound inside from dirt and hold disinfecting process using Dioksidine, Chlorhexidine. These drugs are drawn into the syringe, and they pressure washed carefully wound inside. If there's wool, it is necessary to cut out.
  • Mortgaging antimicrobial, wound healing, bactericidal ointment levomikol, then a sterile gauze bandage and then superimposed. For rapid wound healing requires that had a good soft pillow in the wound of several layers of cloth or wool, to hurt as little as possible to injure.
  • Top record all medical adhesive tape, which does not allow the dressing to crawl with legs.

Be sure to contact your veterinarian. If something does not work - call the nursery


first aid kit

  • Bandages, cotton swabs, sterile wipes, plaster
  • scissors with blunt ends, a thermometer, disposable syringes
  • Chlorhexidine biglyukanat (antiseptic)
  • Solkoseril Aktovegin or ointment (for the speedy healing of wounds)
  • Streptocide, powder for
  • wounds
  • Sponge hemostatic (stops good blood, is sold in a regular pharmacy)
  • Aluminium spray (anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, forms a dense film, has a drying effect. After washing, they sprinkle on the wound. Available in veterinary pharmacies)
  • Eye and ear vet. Drops « Iris », « Tsiprovet », « Otibiovin »
  • Anandin (Valium, a wide range of antiviral drug)
  • No-spa tablets or capsules (has a strong antispasmodic effect)
  • Sulfakamfokain (for heart failure and anaphylactic shock)
  • Kordiamin (central nervous system stimulant and cardiac activity)
  • Suprastin, tavegil (antihistamine)
  • Vaseline oil (after clearing des-quiche path)
  • Enterosgel, Smectite, Polyphepanum (chelators)
  • Hilak forte, Bifitrilak, Laktobifidol (for the normalization of the flora of the gastrointestinal tract)
  • All the rest is purchased as needed.